Bridal Shower Games To instantly print bridal shower games click the
image to the left. Also, try our free bridal shower games below.
First, we list a few games. Then at the bottom of the page, we list
a whole bunch more links to more of our shower games. So take a look
at both the games on this page and the games at the very end of this page.
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bridal games.
Smell the Herbs
What's your scent? Oregano? Looking for a unique and interesting bridal shower game to play? The host can easily put together this game and really have a lot of fun with it. Play this game at your next bridal shower. Smell the Herbs really puts your guest's nose to the test. Have a selection of about 10 different herbs and spices and place them in individual Styrofoam cups. Cover each cup with a piece of foil and make a small hole in the center, number each cup. Pass around the cups and make sure everyone gets a chance to smell the herbs. The guests will try to guess what is in each cup and write down their guesses on a piece of paper next to the number that corresponds with the number on the cup. The person with the most correct guesses wins the game. The winner will receive a special bridal shower prize. Have a camera near by to capture these special moments! Decorating the house with lots of bridal shower decorations will bring the party spirit to all who attend!
Smell the Herbs is a great bridal shower party game that puts ones nose to the ultimate test. The guests will each receive a sheet of paper with approximately twenty different spices listed and lines for ten answers. The guests then smell cups filled with spices and choose an answer. The guest that guesses the most spices correctly wins the game.
Free Bridal Shower Game
Enjoy your Bachelorette party with this fun free
shower game!
Check below for more free games. Or, above we have Bridal shower board
games. To save time for the last minute rush, try using the printable
bridal shower games.